The HÜDIG hose reels are designed for storage and receiving of flexible hoses up to a maximum length of 1,000m with a diameter of 100mm. The drive for the receiving of the tubing ensues via a hydraulic motor with a very well-dimensioned power reserve. The hydraulic motor is enabled or disabled through the action bracket by a staff member comfortably. The rotational speed of the reel is continuously adjustable over the oil flow rate control of the tractor.
The construction of the hose reel is made of galvanized steel, providing a high-quality protection against corrosion. It's the little things that make the difference. By "stop sign shape" of the side flanks a "rolling" of the hose reel is prevented. The drum cylinder core features so-called blind holes. These are intended for the inclusion of the hose and thus preserve the single tube when rolling against mechanical damage. In addition, the reels can be optionally equipped with pluggable drum segments. A maximum of five chambers thus possible and thus different tube lengths can be accommodated and administered separately. If there is insufficient capacity of a single reel, it is possible to assemble more reels, but only to use a support frame only. The change of reels is, of course, possible “without tools”. For the usage of, for example, a hook key for hose couplings, the support frame has a tool tray. Again, a real HÜDIG innovation.