Irrigation systems for agricultural land, vegetable growing and special crops.


Solutions are available for special applications in the field of environmental protection for dust control and waste water treatment.

Irrigation Boom


First things first, Hüdig irrigation boom are in-house designs that combine the advantages of the irrigation boom with the advantage of direct adaptation to Hüdig irrigation machines. For example, the DW 18 can be attached directly to the machine sizes Iromat I and Iromat II after the irrigation cycle is complete. In other words, fold it in, lock it and move on to the next installation. This advantage, combined with easy transport, makes work much easier. Of course, Hüdig irrigation booms can also be combined with irrigation machines from other manufacturers.

The use of a nozzle wagon enables the water to be applied close to the ground. Possible wind drift is minimised, resulting in a more even distribution of water. Direct water losses due to drifting of the water jet or excessive evaporation are reduced. Water resources are conserved and crops can be irrigated in a more targeted manner.

The contribution to energy savings is not insignificant at this point. It makes a difference whether the pressure on the sprinkler trolley is 4.5 bar or 3.0 bar on an irrigation boom. Without taking pump efficiencies and existing friction losses into account, the energy costs decrease linearly with the reduced pressure!



  • Nozzle trolley

DW 18

Construction width 18 m


Adaptation to the following machine types possible:

Iromat I

Iromat II RED

Iromat II

Technical Data:
Construction width of the nozzle boom
18 m
Max. Working width with R55 end nozzles
39 m
Max. Working width with R75 end sprinklers
54 m
Volume flow
20 - 60 m³/h


DW 55

Construction width 55 m


Adaptation to the following machine types possible:

Iromat I bis Iromat V


Technical Data:
Construction width of the nozzle boom 55 m
Max. Working width with R55 end nozzles 83 m
Volume flow 35 - 60 m³/h

